garlic smell good herb 1039563 1



garlic red garlic head of garlic 618400 1

Garlic (Allium sativam) is one of the attractive bulbous flowering plants of allium species. Let us find out its interesting characteristics:

  1. Origins and Relatives:
    1. Original category: Garlic comes from South Asia, Central Asia and Northeastern Iran.
    1. Close relatives: He is engaged to onions, shallots, leeks, chaivs, Welsh onions and Chinese onions.
    1. Historical Usage: The ancient Egyptians knew and used garlic as a delicious and traditional food herb.
  2. Plant description:
    1. Perennial: Allium sativum grows from a bulb and has a high, straight flower stem of up to 1 meter (3 feet).
    1. Leaves: Flat, linear leaf blades 1.25-2.5 cm. (0.5-1.0 inches) It is wide, the top of which is sharp.
    1. Flowers: During July to September in the Northern Hemisphere, it produces flowers ranging from pink to purple.
    1. Bulb:  A  bulb made of 10 to 20 cloves emits a strong smell. The cloves are symmetrical near the center, while the cloves around the center may be asymmetrical. Each clove is locked in the leaves of the inner covering surrounded by external layers.
  3. Culinary and Medicinal Uses:
    1. Delicious Bulbs: Garlic bulbs are an excellent ingredient in various national dishes.Health benefits: Garlic contains sulfur compounds that have potential medicinal properties. It can be helpful in protecting against the common cold, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, increasing waistline and improving athletic performance.
    1. Not usually eaten raw: Because of its pungent taste, garlic is not usually eaten raw.
  4. Entertaining fact:
    1. Garlic production is dominated by China, providing  73% of the world’s garlic supply  in 2021 .

Remember, this little bulb has left its aromatic impression on both our plates and our health. 🌱🧄

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