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Rice, a remarkable grain, occupies a central place in human culture and subsistence. Let us explore its interesting aspects:

  1. Planting and Importance:
    1. Staple food: More than half of  the world‘s population, especially in Asia and Africa, depends on rice as their primary food source.Production: In 2021, an astonishing 787 million tonnes of rice was produced globally, making it the fourth most produced crop after sugarcane, corn and wheat.Usage: China, India and Indonesia are the largest consumers of rice.
    2. Varieties: Rice comes in a variety of varieties, including white, brown, upland and golden rice (genetically engineered containing vitamin A).
  2. Plant description:
    1. The rice-sown plant (Oryza sativa) is an annual grass , about 1.2 m (4 ft) in height.
    2. It contains  long, flat leaves produced on hollow stems.
    3.  The panicle (flower cluster) contains spikelets that produce fruit (grains).
    4. Variations vary in the length, shape and overall productivity of the panic.
  3. Composition of nutrients:
    1. White rice: When cooked, it contains 29% carbohydrates and 2% protein , as well as manganese.
    2. Brown rice : It contains 8 percent protein, iron, calcium and B vitamins.
    3. Golden Rice: Engineered to contain vitamin A.
  4. Cooking uses:
    1. The rice is cooked by steaming or grinding it into flour.
    2. It is found in a wide variety of dishes in Asian, Middle East and other cuisines.
    3. Alcoholic beverages such as cereals, noodles and Japanese manure for breakfast also contain rice.
  5. Environmental Impact:
    1. Rice production contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions  (up from 1 percent in 2022).
    2. Forecasting a drop in yield due to rising temperatures poses challenges.
  6. Cultural significance:
    1. Rice  plays a role in weddings, rituals and traditions around the world.

Remember, this humble grain has shaped cultures, nurtured billions, and is becoming an important part of our culinary and cultural heritage.

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