wheat grain agriculture 381848 1

Wheat, a grain grain, plays a significant role in human history. Let us delve deeper into its interesting details:

  1. Wheat varieties:
    1. Common wheat (Triticum aestivum): which is mainly used to make bread.
    1. Durum wheat (T. durum): Ideal for pasta (such as spaghetti and macaroni).
    1. Club White (T. compactum): the soft type used in cakes, cookies, pastries, and flour.
    1. In addition, wheat finds industrial uses in the production of starch, paste, malt, dextrose, gluten, and alcohol.
  2. Composition of nutrients:
    1. On average, the kernel of wheat includes:
      1. 12% water
      1. 70% carbohydrates
      1. 12% protein
      1. 2% fat
      1. 1.8% minerals
      1. 2.2% crude fibers
  3. Plantings and types:
    1. Wheat grows in temperate tropics and reaches 30 to 90 cm. (12 to 36 inches) of rain falls.
    1. There are two main types as follows:
      1. Winter wheat : Sown in the autumn.
      1. Spring wheat: Usually sown in the spring season, but can be sown in the autumn where the winter is mild

Remember, wheat is not only the staple food but it is also an interesting part of our agricultural heritage.

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